COMD Alumni Get Connected; Get Involved
Many alumni have assisted the Department in the training of future speech-language pathologists through the supervision of clinical practicum at their work sites. Others have made generous donations to the various departmental funds that provide graduate student scholarships, pay for clinical services at the Speech and Hearing Research Center for families in financial need, and contribute to the cost of our new building. Here are just a few ways you can stay connected and involved with your Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders:
Your Graduate Admissions Office maintains an alumni mailing list. If you have not been receiving invitations to department-sponsored events or have recently moved, please contact our Admissions Counselor Teresa Boyett.
The Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders utilizes over 300 external practicum sites to prepare graduate students for the clinical practice of speech-language pathology. Many of the individuals are graduates of this department. While these individuals volunteer their time and do not receive a salary, they do receive the assistance of student clinicians. They also have the opportunity to take any course in COMD at USC for a minimal fee of only $5 per credit hour (following a semester of 60 hrs. or more supervising our students).
Frequently Asked Questions about Student Supervision
If you are interested in having your facility serve as an external practicum site, contact our Director of External Practicum Juliana Miller.
As a graduate of the University of South Carolina, your training as a speech-language pathologist has not ended. We offer a variety of learning opportunities for alumni to meet the continuing education requirements for ASHA, state licensure, and teacher re-certification. These include advance graduate credit courses (both on campus and through distance education) as well as workshops and conferences for CEU credit. Please see our Continuing Education Opportunities page for more information.
If you have recently been promoted, taken a new administrative position, been elected an office or leadership position, or received an award, we would like to know about it. Please send a short email to Joanna Scoggins, Publicity Chair, and tell us your news.
If you are interested in making a donation to one of the Department's scholarship or development funds, please visit the Arnold School of Public Health gifts web page. On that page, donors can select one of the COMD funds to direct their donation, under the pull-down menu Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (COMD) Funds. For naming opportunities, you can also visit our Department Giving page