School of Public Health Core
PUBH 700 Perspectives in Public Health (3 Credit Hours)
Statistics Core
STAT 712 Mathematical Statistics I (3 Credit Hours)
STAT 713 Mathematical Statistics II (3 Credit Hours)
STAT 714 Linear Statistical Models (3 Credit Hours)
Biostatistics Core
800 Level Biostatistics Core (12 Credit Hours)
Required - Bios 825 or Bios 820 plus 9 hours of the other 800 level biostatistics
BIOS 845 Doctoral Seminar (1 credit per semester for 2 semesters) (2 Credit Hours)
BIOS 890 Teaching, Consulting or Grant Writing Practicum (3 Credit Hours)
Cognates (Electives)
Cognates (3 Credit Hours)
Other Biostatistics and/or Statistics (9 Credit Hours)
BIOS 899 Dissertation Preparation (12 Credit Hours)
Total: 53 Credit Hours