As the need for health care and health care programs continues to grow, so does the
requirement to evaluate these programs. A degree in biostatistics prepares prospective
students to become theoretical researchers and applied statisticians of public health,
giving them the tools to tackle health-related issues using statistical skills. One
master program (Master of Science) and one doctoral path (Doctor of Philosophy) are
Master of Science in Biostatistics (MS)
For students interested in acquiring the skills necessary for doing research in public
health, our Master of Science program prepares you, through lectures and practical
experiences, for involvement in biostatistical research. It also prepares researchers
to apply statistical techniques to health problems and issues.
Ph.D. in Biostatistics
If you aspire to teach at the college level, then the Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics
is the advanced graduate degree for you — intended for students who want to pursue
teaching and research careers. The major objective is to prepare an individual to
develop and apply biostatistical principles and methods to public health problems.
Biostatistics – Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
The graduate certificate in Biostatistics is designed to help scholars and practitioners working across the many public health disciplines develop the advanced analytic skills necessary to deal with the challenges in our ever more data driven world. Students take a core sequence set of applied courses followed by electives based on each student’s individual needs and interests.