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Arnold School of Public Health

Health Promotion, Education, & Behavior (HPEB)

HPEB conducts innovative research and prepares future leaders to improve public health locally, nationally, and globally. Our faculty and students address how interventions, social context, health care systems, and physical environments influence health behaviors and health status, with an emphasis on disadvantaged populations.

Laboratories, Centers and Research Groups 

Behavioral Research in Eating (BRIE) Lab

Our lab focuses on discovering ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease. To achieve this goal, the BRIE lab focuses on ways to use emerging technology to assist with dietary self-monitoring, physical activity tracking, and provision of social support. In addition, the BRIE lab also focuses on dietary approaches that do not require dietary self-monitoring, such as the vegan and vegetarian diets.

Built Environment and Community Health (BEACH) Lab

Our mission is to better understand how the neighborhoods and communities in which we live, work, and play affect the health and well-being of residents of all ages. We take a broad approach to environmental influences on health in considering how both physical and social environments and the policies that shape them affect physical activity promotion, obesity prevention, and community health in diverse settings.

Global Health Initiative

The Arnold School's Global Health Initiative's goal is to respond to global health challenges by promoting collaborative research and practice among students, faculty, and stakeholders around the world. The school's international presence is growing, underscoring our commitment to promoting health through collaboration, dissemination and outreach in our local and global communities.  

MoHB Lab

At the Motivation of Health Behavior Lab, we are dedicated to advancing the understanding and enhancement of health behaviors through innovative research on the automatic influences that shape everyday lives. Our research aims to develop and refine theories and measurements of automatic processes, including habits, hedonic motivation, and automatic evaluations, to better understand the underlying mechanisms of motivation.

Non-Communicable Disease Policy and Communications Research (NCDPCR)

NCDPCR research focuses on how media and policies influence perceptions and behaviors related to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We focus primarily on media and policy interventions because of their broad reach and potential to significantly influence tobacco use and unhealthy eating, behaviors that account for much of the preventable NCD burden around the world. 

Nutrition Consortium

The Nutrition Consortium generates and communicates knowledge across the spectrum of nutrition research to optimize holistic health for all people using systems perspectives. The goals of the Consortium are to buid capacity to address grand challenges in nutrition research, convene and facilitate research collaborations, and build a local, statewide and national presence in nutrition research.

Office for the the Study of Aging (OSA)

OSA promotes healthy aging through program development, evaluation, education/training and research. We seek to improve long-term care service delivery for South Carolina’s older adults by providing evidence-based information to policy makers, health care professionals and the public.

South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ)

The South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality is committed to engaging in innovative research that will enhance the quality of health for individuals in South Carolina and around the world. Our mission is to contribute to advances in healthcare and population health through rigorous research, education, community engagement, and policy advocacy.





Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
