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Arnold School of Public Health

Dayana Sandoval

Learn About Our Ambassadors

Involvement on Campus: University 101 Peer Leader, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Service Saturday Site Leader, Latin American Student Organization, Public Health Society, Carolina Health Entrepreneurship and Policy Club, TRIO Opportunity Scholars Program, Smokefree SC

Why you chose to pursue your degree within the ASPH: I chose to pursue my degree within the ASPH because my goals are to work in health policy related to minority health disparities/health equity. The ASPH was appealing because they showed strong interest and support for my goals. USC and ASPH also offer an abundance of opportunities to get involved and participate in experiential learning, which I loved because I knew that would allow me to grow professionally and individually. 

Advice for future students: Give college your all! USC and ASPH offer so much, you don't need to worry about not finding opportunities, but rather about not missing them. Read your emails, GroupMe messages, random flyers, and talk to your classmates and professors. Experiential learning is how you find like-minded peers, learn more about yourself, and build beneficial skills. Immerse yourself in all the learning opportunities that USC presents. Time here truly flies by but you can accomplish more than you can imagine!

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
